Executive Committee | Fort Bend Economic Development Council

The Fort Bend Executive Committee provides guidance and direction to the FBEDC president and staff and represents the board when the full board is unavailable for direction or approval.

What we do

The Fort Bend Economic Development Council is a public-private partnership established in 1986 to promote vitality and to ensure quality development in Fort Bend County.  Our executive committee is made up of 8 rotating members of stand-out business leaders in the County.

"Thank you to all the members of the board, members of the organization, County and City leaders, Economic Development Partners, the Executive Committee and the staff of the organization for your continued unwavering commitment to quality growth of our community. "
Les Newton, Former Committee Chair

Serving the organization since 1986: Ed Hines; Fred Davenport; Bill Hartman; Dutch Lichliter; Pete Slot; Bill Jameson; Bob Brown; Les Newton

FBEDC Past Chairs of the Board


The Executive Committee is comprised of seven board members submitted by the FBEDC Nomination Committee each year at the annual meeting in June. The executive committee serves at the pleasure of the board and is voted upon as a slate of officers each year.

The executive committee is comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Legal Council. Jeff Wiley, President and CEO of the organization serves on the committee as a non-voting member.

Jared Jameson, WJ Interests
Jeff Haley, Si Environmental
Vice Chair
David Oliver, Allen Boone Humphries Robinson, LLP
Legal Counsel
Jeff Wiley, FBEDC
Daniel Wong, Toulaney Wong Engineering, Inc.
Lina Sabouni, AUTOARCH Architects, LLC
Chad Hablinski, Costello, Inc.
Assistant Treasurer
Robert Long, Raise Your Hand Texas
Assistant Secretary

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